Work during Pregnancy

Work during Pregnancy

Work during Pregnancy

Generally, working during healthy pregnancy does not affect the mother and fetus health negatively.

The lady can continue working until her due date, but it is better to start her leave a week or two before.

Jobs that require heavy labor such as pushing, frequent heavy lifting, talk to your doctor if it is safe for you

Some jobs are safe throughout the pregnancy and some need some changes as the pregnancy progresses.

It is always good to keep your fitness, so try to walk for short period of times or join fitness class after work after consulting your doctor. Read more about it: Exercise during Pregnancy , Squatting during Pregnancy , Abdominal Exercise during Pregnancy

Desk jobs:
1- Sitting with a pillow behind to support your back, with lifting your feet to avoid swelling.
2- Do not cross your legs.
3- Taking frequent breaks for few minutes.
4- Moving around every few hours to avoid muscles tension and swelling in the lower limbs.

Working conditions:
1. Standing work:
– If you have to stand for long time (3 to 4 hours contentiously), use a low stool or a box to rest one foot on it, switch between your feet every now and then.
– Wear comfortable well fitted low heeled shoes.
– Take breaks and sit down with feet lifted.

2. Bending the knees when picking things from the floor, avoid twisting your waist.
3. Minimizing work stress.
4. Avoiding work in extreme heat or cold.
5. Wearing gloves, and ventilating the place well in case of working in hair and nail salons.

Work environmental risks:
Talk to your doctor about any concerns you have. Always follow the safety procedures.

Avoiding working in places with hazards that might have a negative impact such as:
1. Pesticides and herbicides.
2. Radiation
3. Wood preservatives
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Benzene and gases
6. Dyes used in manufacturing
7. Materials used in plastics, and textile manufacturing

Travel and work:
Best to travel in the middle of the pregnancy. (between week 14 and 28).
As the early symptoms of pregnancy probably have decreased and you are still not big and uncomfortable.

Conditions may require you to stop working completely or early:
Some conditions may need extra observation.
You should discuss your condition with your doctor first as it differs from mother to another.

1- uncontrolled High blood pressure.
2- Placenta previa.
3- Premature dilation of the cervix.
4- Prior preterm birth.
5- preterm rupture of the membranes.
6- Fetal growth restriction.
7- Pregnancy of twin or more with risk of preterm birth.

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