Abdominal Exercise during Pregnancy

Abdominal Exercise during Pregnancy

Abdominal Exercise During Pregnancy

How many times: 2 to 3 times a week.

Abdominal Muscles are:
– External oblique muscles.
– Internal oblique muscles.
– Transversus abdominis.
– Rectus abdominis.

1. Reduce the pressure on the thighs and lower back.
2. Help in carrying the baby in more comfortable way.
3. Chance to speed up labor.
4. Strengthen body core.
5. Speed up postpartum recovery.
6. Good posture and stability during pregnancy.

Check the photos for some of abdominal exercises with number of repetitions for each.

The Standing Crunch: stops once the belly starts to expand specially after the first trimester.
10 to 20 repetitions.

Credit: momjunction.com

Sitting Knee Lifts: In the first trimester, do two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.
In the second and third trimesters, do up to two sets of 8 to 10 repetitions.

Credit: momjunction.com

Scissor kicks: Do this only during the first trimester. do 3 sets of 10 kicks.

Credit: momjunction.com

Leg Lifts: 10 repetitions each side.

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