Annual Gynecological Exams

Annual Gynecological Exams

Annual Gynecological Exams

Every female should see a gynecologist every year. The general purpose of these visits is to check for irregular periods, sexually transmitted infections and vaginal infections.

Before the visit, it is advised to:
– Go between menstrual periods.
– Avoid intercourse or insert anything into the vagina.

During the visit:
– Collecting basic information such as weight, blood pressure, starting date of the last menstrual period, medical history, nutrition, contraception methods and immunizations.
– Breast exam: to check for any lumps in the breast tissues. Mammogram screening for breast cancer might be recommended if age above 35.
– Pelvic exam:

a. vulvar area to check for irritation, infection, masses or trauma.
b. Check inside the vagina and cervix with a speculum.
c. Pap smear test.
d. feel the internal reproductive organs to check the size, shape, and position of the uterus for any swelling or tenderness.
e. Check of Bartholin and paraurethral glands.

– Abdominal examination for abnormalities, hernias, masses, fluid collection, and tenderness.
– With menopausal women, discussing hormonal therapies and supplements that can be used to treat menopausal symptoms, and screening for bone density and colonoscopies.

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