Vitamin D and Pregnancy

Vitamin D and Pregnancy

Vitamin D and Pregnancy

Vitamin D Benefits:
1. Regulating calcium and phosphate in the body as they are important for the health of bones, teeth and muscles.
2. There are some studies suggest that taking enough vitamin D during pregnancy reduces the chance of fetal low weight by 30%.
3. Reduce the chance of miscarriage.

Vitamin D sources:
1. Exposure to sun for 20 minutes early morning or evening twice or three times a week, without developing sunburn
2. Food like:
a. Oily fish (Salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel)
b. Egg.
c. Red meat.
3. Fortified food like cereals
4. Supplements

Vitamin D deficiency:
Not having enough vitamin D during pregnancy may:
1. Prevent the baby from having enough calcium and phosphate. That may cause abnormal bones growth or rickets later on .
2. Cause osteoporosis in the mother.
3. Have a relation with gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth and low birth weight, though it still needs more research to be proved.
4. Llead to hypocalcemic seizures in newborns.
5. Lead to respiratory problems such as childhood asthma.

Some studies found out that vitamin D deficiency is associated with low bone mass with children later in their 20s.

When should the pregnant lady start taking Vitamin D supplements?
It is important to take vitamins throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How much vitamin D is needed?
The exact amount needed is still under study, but pregnant women need 600 – 1000 IU of vitamin D as routine supplementation to maintain it.

How do you know if you are vitamin D deficient?
By blood test.
After 12 weeks of treatment, another blood test will be taken to make sure vitamin D level is normal.

Vitamin D deficiency treatment during pregnancy:
It is advised to take 2000 IU of vitamin D daily.

If vitamin D level is very low in the 3rd trimester, rapid correction is recommended of 4000 – 7000 IU of vitamin D given for 6 to 7 weeks.

Moreover, some studies showed that the dose of 50,000 UI/week, 100,000 UI/month is safe during pregnancy.

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