Vaginal PRP

Vaginal PRP

Vaginal PRP

So far, there is no enough scientific evidence that proves vaginal PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) effectiveness.

It is said that the first doctor who introduced vaginal PRP used it initially on his partner and his clinic’s patients.

And there have been no studies on animals.

Usually, PRP is used for hair loss cases, Osteoarthritis and face rejuvenation.

What is Vaginal PRP?
It is a procedure presumed to restore the moisture of the vagina and sexual sensitivity known as O shot.

It is the injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Plasma is extracted from the patient’s blood. It is injected into the anterior wall of the vagina and clitoris triggering cells multiplications and tissues growth.

It also helps in increasing the blood flow to clitoris as PRP components helps in growing new blood vessels.

It is not painful as local anesthesia is used.

Although there is no sufficient scientific evidence to support, it is used for:
– Decrease libido.
– Vaginal Dryness, and irritation.
Urine incontinence: in very mild cases.
– For cosmetic reasons:
Improving the skin appearance, increasing blood flow to the area, and nerves growth.

Procedure duration:
It takes between 40 minutes and one hour.

How long it lasts:
Lasts for about 14 months.
PRP is temporary, so you need to repeat the procedure usually for several times, Depends on the severity of the problem and the treatment plan.

– Non surgical procedure.
– Short downtime.

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