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Kegel Exercise

Kegel Exercise

Simple clench and release exercises that you can do to make the pelvic muscles floor stronger.
The aim of it is to strengthen the pelvic muscles that control the flow of urine and bowl.


– To learn which muscle to contract, you might, for the first time only, try stopping and starting urine flow.
– After knowing the right group of muscles, it can be done sitting or lying down.
– To see an effect, you need to do it daily three to four times, each time you flex the muscles 20 reps (total of 80 flexes), trying to do it slow at the time of contraction and the release.


  • Reduce urine leakage while sneezing, coughing (Stress Incontinence).
  • Or when you have a sudden urge (Urge Incontinence).
  • It also decreases the bulge in the vagina.

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