Pregnancy Warning Signs

Pregnancy Warning Signs

Pregnancy Warning Signs

There are some signs that can not wait until your next appointment and you have to visit your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room.

1. Decrease or absent fetal movement.

2. Water breaks before week 37.

3. Sudden swelling in face or hands, severe and sudden headache or vision problems, might be an indication of preeclampsia.

4. Fever higher than 38 degree.

5. Bleeding with abdominal pain during first trimester, could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy.

6. bleeding with cramping or severe back pain during first trimester could be a sign of miscarriage.

7. bleeding with abdominal pain in the third trimester, could be a sign of placenta abruption.

8. Green/mucus foul smelling vaginal discharge.

9. Frequent contractions before week 37. might be an indication of early labor.

10. Severe vomiting.

11. Pain during urination, frequent urination, could be a sign of bladder infection.

12. Abdominal injury from a fall or car accidents.

13. Severe pain and swelling of one leg, could be a sign of blood clot.

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