Hormonal IUD

Hormonal IUD

Contraception Method: Hormonal IUD

Contraception Method: Hormonal IUD

It is a T shaped device inserted into the uterus releasing hormones to:

– Thicken cervical mucus preventing sperms from reaching the uterus.

– Make the endometrium thin so it is harder for the fertilized egg to grow.

Hormonal IUD available in KSA:

Mirena, 52 mg of Levonorgestrel containing IUD.

Protection duration: up to 5 years.

Hormonal IUD advantages:

1. Reduces menstrual flow, which reduces the possibility of anemia.

2. Less painful period.

3. Used in treating pain caused by endometriosis.

4. More effective at preventing pregnancy than copper IUD.

5. Up to 5 years protection.

6. Safe with breastfeeding.

Insertion time after delivery:

  • It can be inserted immediately after birth, within 48 hours.
  • If more than 48 hours , it is usually recommended to wait 4 weeks, but you should consult your doctor about the appropriate time for you.

Candidates for hormonal IUD:

1. Ladies look for lighter bleeding patterns

2. Ladies who can tolerate amenorrhea, possibility around 30%

3. Ladies desire less pain during period

4. Ladies on anticoagulant Medication

5. Ladies at higher risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia

Contraindications for hormonal IUD:

1. Pregnancy.

2. Unexplained uterine bleeding.

3. Uterus or cervix abnormalities.

4. Untreated sexually transmitted disease or pelvic infection.

5. Current or history of breast cancer.

6. History of arterial disease or stroke.

7. Liver disease or tumors.

8. Blood clotting problems.

9. High blood pressure.

10. Migraine with aura .

11. Kidney failure.

12. Endometrial cancer and cervical cancer.

Hormonal IUD side effects/disadvantages:

1. Temporary irregular or heavy bleeding in the first three months.

2. Amenorrhea might happen.

3. Mild to moderate cramping in the first three months.

4. Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

5. Hormonal side effects such as acne (15%), weight change (less than 5%), headache, nausea, and mood changes (very small).

6. Perforation during insertion, rare.

7. Expulsion, rare.

8. Pelvic inflammatory disease , rare.

9. Small possibility of ectopic pregnancy if conceived with IUD in place.

10. Ovarian cycts, possibility of 7%.

11. It can not be used as emergency contraception.

After the insertion:

1. spotting or bleeding is expected immediately after IUD insertion.

2. You can check with the doctor after one month that it is in place.

3. If inserted more than seven days after the start of period, it is advised to use backup contraception for one week for Hormonal IUD.

4. IUD must be removed if possible if conceived.

Removing the IUD:

Light bleeding and cramping is expected during removal.

The lady must go to the hospital if:

1. Heavy unusual bleeding.

2. Signs of pregnancy.

3. Foul unusual vaginal discharge.

4. Abnormal abdomen pain.

5. Pain during intercourse.

6. Feeling that it is moved from its place.

7. Unexplained fever.

8. Yellowing of the skin or eyes or severe headache.

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