Omega-3 Fatty Acids during Pregnancy

Omega-3 Fatty Acids during Pregnancy

Omega-3 Fatty Acids during Pregnancy

Omega 3 is not produced by the human body and only found in some types of food or supplements.

If the pregnant lady eats 2 -3 portions (equal to 226 – 340 gram) of low in mercury oily fish every week, there is no need for supplements.

In pregnancy, omega-3 supplements should contain acids called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

When the pregnant lady should start taking the supplements?
It is advised to take them 6 months before conceiving.
Also, she can take it from the start of the pregnancy until the end, and may continue after giving birth for 3-4 months during breastfeeding.

Still more researches are needed to approve the benefits. Supplements for example may:
1- Prevent preterm birth and perinatal death.
2- Reduce low birth weight
3- Help in neurological development of the fetus.
4- Contribute in brain and eyes development of the fetus.
5- Help in Fetal cardiac and respiratory systems development.
6- Reduce the risk of preeclamsia.
7- After delivery:
a. Increase the cognitive function of the baby.
b. Prevent persistent asthma in the baby.
c. Reduce the risk of allergies in infants.

Food contains Omega-3 fatty acids:
1. Fish such as salmon, herrings, fresh tuna, sardines, trout, mackerel, and anchovies.
2. fortified food (contain low level) such as yogurt, egg and milk.

With the fear of high level of mercury in fish which might be dangerous during pregnancy, omega 3 supplements are a safer option for pregnant ladies.

Supplements made from the flesh of fish are safe in pregnancy. But supplements made from the liver of fish such as cod liver are not.

Cod liver oil:
Supplements of cod liver oil are not safe during pregnancy specially in high doses as they contain vitamin A. They may cause:
– Teratogenicity.
– Blood clots.
– Increase the risk of Bleeding.

200 – 300 mg of each DHA and EPA acids daily.

Kinds of fish the pregnant should avoid due to high level of mercury:
1- Shark
2- Swordfish
3- Marlin

Side effects of the supplements:
Low chance of:
1- Nausea.
2- Bad breath.
3- Fishy taste burping.
4- Heartburn.

Example s of Omega-3 supplements during pregnancy available in Saudi Arabia:














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