Hormonal Birth Control Pills and Blood Clots
It is rare to develop blood clots with using hormonal birth control methods but it is dangerous.
The risk of getting blood clot from birth control pills is less than the risk of getting blood clot while pregnant.
The chances of getting blood clots with using the vaginal ring may be higher as the hormones from the ring are absorbed continuously, same with the patches. But still more research is still needed in that.
Progestin only pills do not increase the risk of getting blood clots.
Women are at greater risks of developing blood clots in case of:
– Obesity
– Surgeries
– Cancer tumors
– Family history of blood clots
– Uncontrolled diabetes
– High blood pressure
– Stroke in the past
– Smoker and above 35 years old
The appropriate birth control methods for women who are prone to blood clots:
– Progestin only pills
– Progestin only injection
– Progestin implants
– Normal or hormonal IUD
– Barrier methods