HIV Test During Pregnancy

HIV Test During Pregnancy

HIV Test During Pregnancy

What is HIV?
It is a virus that attacks the immune system of our body causing inability to fight against diseases.


HIV can lead to AIDS if it was not treated. And it can be passed on to the baby during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding.

Why ladies should be tested for HIV during pregnancy?
1. To start treatment early.
2. Treatment of the mother during pregnancy and special precautions during delivery.
3. To give prophylaxis to the newborn early in life.
4. Avoid breastfeeding.

HIV test:

  • Checks for antibodies.
  • Done with blood sample or a swab on the inner side of the cheek.

The human body usually takes up to 12 weeks after the infection to develop antibodies for the virus.

It is recommended to confirm by a second test if the result was positive.

The test should be done as early as possible during pregnancy.

HIV tests Types:

1. Standard HIV test:

It is to check for the antibodies.
The results show up in few days.

2. Early detection test:

It detects for the protein (antigen) that can develop during the first weeks after infection, and the genetic material of the virus.

It works before the antibodies are developed in the blood.

3. Combined test:

This test includes testing for both antibodies and antigens.

4. NATs or RNA test:

It is a test for the virus itself in the blood. It is not common as it is expensive.

5. Rapid HIV test:

It is the same as the standard HIV test. The results are out in about 30 minutes but its sensitivity is lower.

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